BioEnergyTrain joined forces with 11 other Horizon2020 projects to increase the visibility of the results achieved in the field of bioenergy at the “2nd H2020 Contractors´ Workshop on Bioenergy Market Uptake Projects”, organized by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA).
Brigitte Hasewend, eseia Director and BET Coordinator, and Daria Delnevo, eseia Communication Manager, shared with other participants the results achieved and the obstacles encountered in moving forward with the cooperative educational learning formats envisaged by the project. Furthermore, the BET Buying-In Strategy was presented to illustrate how the BET Consortium would sustain funding to the BET educational activities once the project will terminate. Finally, the upcoming BET events, implemented under the eseia Education and Training Programme, were presented as well as the the different cooperative education formats, namely Student Camps, International Summer Schools, and Pilot Plant Courses.
New cooperative efforts were accounted to take place in the coming months among H2020 projects BioEnergyTrain, ADVANCEFUEL, ISABEL, BiogasAction, ISAAC, Biomasud Plus, up_Running, SEEMLA, FORBIO, Bio Vill, and Secure Chain.

2nd H2020 Contractors´ Workshop on Bioenergy Market Uptake Projects, INEA, Brussels, 18 January 2018.